Card Assembler overview

Last release License Unittest Documentation Status

Card Assembler is a free and open-source plug-in for Gimp. Assembles an image according to an XML file blueprint. Meant for board game card creation.

Source code can be found on Github.


  • Gimp tools: single-color layer, textbox, import layers from a given XCF file etc.

  • Load card layout information from an XML file blueprint.

  • Command chaining, making templates possible.

  • Export colors used in blueprint to Gimp as a palette.


Copy all PY files from src/ into cardassembler/ in your Gimp plug-in folder: user/AppData/Roaming/GIMP/version/plug-ins/. Then restart Gimp.

How to use this plug in

There is a new item in the menu bar - Card Assembler containing:

  1. Card Assembler: Create board-game cards.

    • Data Folder: Data files location. Mainly the following xml file.

    • XML file: Name of the blueprint (XML) you want to use.

    • CardIDs: Path to the starting node within the blueprint.

      • Omit the root node. Steps are separated by spaces.

      • Write each CardID entry on a separate line.

      • Add “keepCmdOpen” as one of the IDs to keep Gimp’s cmd open.

    • Save: Save the image into a data folder subfolder as image name.xcf.

  2. Palette creator: Export colors used in a blueprint to Gimp palette.

    • Data Folder, XML file: Same as above.

    • PaletteID: Path to the colors starting node (assuming there is a special color subtree).

    • Name: The new palette’s name.


Versioning follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
Following PEP8 Style Guide coding conventions.
Testing with unittest and pycodestyle.


Card Assembler is licensed under the MIT license.