Source code for blueprint

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Supplemental script which handles data manipulation.

Read an XML file and produce a layout list, which is then used
by the main script :mod:`cardassembler`.

__all__ = ['Blueprint']
__version__ = '1.5.1'
__author__ = 'Martin Brajer'

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

def main():
    path = ''
    if not path:
    blueprint = Blueprint((path + '\\Blueprint.xml').decode('utf-8'))
    layout = blueprint.generate_layout('unique item example')
    palette = blueprint.generate_palette('color')

[docs]class Blueprint(): """ Blueprint information handling class. Can read XML file, produce layout list and palette. :param file_path: Folder containing XML blueprint :type file_path: str or None """ #: Those tags are always stored in a :class:`list` & have extra treatment #: in :meth:`_step_in`. SPECIAL_TAGS = ['next', 'text'] def __init__(self, file_path): # Dict tree representation of the given XML file. = self._load(file_path) if file_path is not None else None
[docs] def _load(self, file_path): """ Load XML file blueprint into a dictionary tree. :param file_path: Path to the XML file to load :type file_path: str :return: Tree structure of cards data :rtype: dict """ root = ET.parse(file_path).getroot() return self._ElementTree_to_dict(root)
[docs] def _ElementTree_to_dict(self, parent): """ Translation from :mod:`xml.etree.ElementTree` to :class:`dict` tree from the given node down. Tags in :data:`SPECIAL_TAGS` are stored in a :class:`list`. :param parent: A node of ElementTree :type parent: :class:`ElementTree.Element` :return: Dictionary representation of the given tree :rtype: dict """ node = {} for child in parent: tag = child.tag text = child.text # First condition: "item.text" is None <=> "<item></item>". # Second condition: is there actual information? Symbols # other than space and newline. If there is no text (just # another child), tail is still there (e.g. " \n"). if (text is not None) and (text.strip().replace('\n', '')): # ElementTree unescapes newline so we're reverting back. text = text.replace('\\n', '\n') if child.attrib and 'parse' in child.attrib: text = self._parse(text, child.attrib['parse']) if tag in node: node[tag].append(text) else: node[tag] = [text] if tag in self.SPECIAL_TAGS else text # No text, go down the level. else: node[tag] = self._ElementTree_to_dict(child) return node
[docs] def _parse(self, text, target_type): """ ElementTree.element.text to various python types. Input parsed as tuple can have any length. Its elements will be parsed as :class:`int` :param text: Text to be parsed :type text: str :param target_type: Either "int", "float" or "tuple" :type target_type: str :raises ValueError: If target type is not known :return: Parsed value :rtype: int or float or tuple """ if target_type == 'int': return int(text) elif target_type == 'float': return float(text) elif target_type == 'tuple': return tuple(self._parse(item, 'int') for item in text.replace(' ', '').split(',')) raise ValueError('Unknown "{}" target type!'.format(target_type))
[docs] def generate_layout(self, start_by): """ Generate card layout given starting position. Starting position children are sorted alphabetically (name them accordingly). :param start_by: Space separated path through data tree leading to the starting node :type start_by: str :return: Layout of the chosen card :rtype: list """ layers = self._step_in({}, start_by) return [(name, layers[name]) for name in sorted(layers.keys())]
[docs] def _step_in(self, layout, this_step): """ Browse data guided by the ``next`` tag. Do not overwrite (first in stays). Further ``next`` tags are served successively in the order according to the XML file. If there are multiple ``text`` tags, join them by ``\\n`` :param layout: Input layout :type layout: dict :param this_step: Where does this step leads :type this_step: str :return: Filled layout :rtype: dict """ next_steps = [] for key, value in self._goto(this_step).items(): # Next is not written into layout. It stores further direction. if key == 'next': next_steps.extend(value) # If lower levels can be reached. elif isinstance(value, dict): if key not in layout: layout[key] = {} layout[key] = self._step_in( layout[key], ' '.join((this_step, key))) # Keys having values from previous levels are NOT changed. elif key not in layout: if key == 'text': value = '\n'.join(value) layout[key] = value # Recursively browse all "next" branches. for next_step in next_steps: layout = self._step_in(layout, next_step) return layout
[docs] def _goto(self, next_steps): """ Find target dict tree node and return its sub tree. Analogous to successive application of :meth:`dict.get`. :param next_steps: Space separated key sequence. :type next_steps: str :raises KeyError: If one of the given keys doesn't exist. :return: Sub-tree of the :data:`` dict tree. :rtype: dict """ data = # Down the rabbit hole! for next_step in next_steps.split(' '): if next_step in data: data = data[next_step] else: raise KeyError( 'While browsing the data tree by "{}", keyword "{}"' 'was not found.'.format(next_steps, next_step)) return data
[docs] def generate_palette(self, start_by): """ Make palette out of colors used by cards. To be used in another mini plug-in to import palette into Gimp. :param start_by: Path through the data tree (space separated) :type start_by: str :return: Pairs of name and color :rtype: list """ palette = self._harvest_leaves(self._goto(start_by)) palette.sort() # Alphabetically first. palette.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].count(' ')) return palette
[docs] def _harvest_leaves(self, color_tree): """ Find the path to the leaves of the given tree, whose tag is ``color``. Kinda inverse to :meth:`_goto`. :param color_tree: Part of the data (dict tree) to look for colors in :type color_tree: dict :return: List colors as :class:`tuple` of space delimited path and color code :rtype: list """ palette = [] for key, value in color_tree.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): subpalette = self._harvest_leaves(value) for subKey, subValue in subpalette: palette.append( (' '.join((key, subKey)) if subKey else key, subValue)) elif key == 'color': palette.append(('', value)) return palette
if __name__ == '__main__': main()